A review by thereaderofbooks89
The Hades Trials: The Complete Collection by Eliza Raine


3.5 out of 5 stars from me!

Zeus is going to hold another Trial, where women of all kinds, will compete for the honor of becoming the new Queen of the Underworld, wife of Hades.

Her catch? She's a mortal who has no memory of her past, and has just been kidnapped. Hades is tired of the competitions and is going through the motions. His catch? This seemingly mortal is more than she seems.

This trilogy, despite being over 600 pages was a quick and easy read for me, I will admit, I feel like the books could have been condensed into perhaps 2 books.

Having a competition to be Hades wife was an interesting twist to the mythology that I love, but it got a bit repetitive to me, as it was 3 books.

It was nice to see a breath of new life into the Greek gods that we know so well, it was a welcome change of pace. But, there is only so much that you can do, Hades will always be dark and brooding, Zeus always full of himself.

Sadly, this is one of the more forgettable of the Retellings that I've read recently as I'm writing this review a few months after reading it, but I will be rereading it again when I get a chance, as it was good, despite its flaws.

One of them being the smut, it wasn't too much of a slow burn, but it was just meh for me.

The plot was exciting enough, again, a tournament was a good change of pace, there was potential hidden in the many pages, it was just a tedious 600 pages.

I will be reading the other books in the series, I am interested to see what she will do with the other Gods.