A review by readingwithmygoldens
I Did It For You by Amy Engel


This is my second book from the author (my first was The Familiar Dark) and I am sorry to say I am disappointed with her most recent release. I am grateful to have had access to two formats to read this book (print & audio) and I tried both because at first I wasn't getting into the audio, but the book didn't help much. I couldn't get invested in the story the way that I wanted to.

It's hard to write a proper review since I want to be vague to avoid spoilers, but some of the actions that MC made didn't quite make sense to me. I don't mind of slower paced mystery, but there wasn't enough along the way to keep me invested and the end left me kind of scratching my head.

I wanted to like this a lot more than I did and will be sure to check out the author's next book for sure, but this just didn't have enough in it for me to care much about what happened once I got there. I liked how the author covered grief and how that makes a lasting impact on all involved, but that was about it. Maybe the slower pace and cast of characters (all pretty unlikeable) made for the challenges I experienced, but it seems like a lot of other readers were left wanting more also.

Thanks so much to Dutton Books for the gifted finished copy and to prhaudio for the gifted audiobook.

Review Date: 07/24/2023
Publication Date: 07/25/2023