A review by kdf_333
Forged in Blood II by Lindsay Buroker


mini review: great series - read them all. they are all fun. :-)

and now just my thoughts.

if you read my review for books 1-3 you will understand the following. so i am cheap but yay for birthdays! i got some gift cards. they were visa gift cards but i spent them on getting almost the entire Lindsay Buroker (i can never spell her name right from memory) collection.
i have purchased every single ebook or ebook collection that has to do with the world of empire's edge.


this wasn't one birthday it was 2 birthdays and 2 Christmases. cuz i am cheap. i mean, i cannot even lend these books to folks. oh yeah, i guess i could figure out the kindle loan thingee but whateves. i'll tell them to buy them. i read fiction books once maybe twice if it's a series and i need a refresher.

i love this world and Sicarious and Aramanthe and Sespian and Maldynadoand aeverybody else in these books. (i only checked the spelling on Maldynado's name.) so i enjoyed every short story and every full novel. a few things might be unbelievable or repeated scenarios but whatevs. i loved them all.

the author says in some book (don't ask me which. i have read them alllll!) what her influences are. the tv shows she names are ones i watched and loved and you can feel their influence in her characters and plots. a-team, macgyver, buck rogers, star trek, stargate sg-1, etc.
i do love her books becasue they do remind me of these shows which i loved as a child.