A review by lindseysparks
Mademoiselle Revolution by Zoe Sivak


The first half of this book was great! I loved the time in Saint Domingue and Sylvie's stuggle between being a plantation owner's daughter raised in a lavish lifestyle and being the daughter of a slave. When she fled to Paris and met Robespierre and liked him, I thought, what a clever idea! Meet him early on when he seems reasonable and portray his descent into extremism. But then the second half of the book seemed like it was written by an entirely different person. The plot became sloppy and disjointed. Then all of a sudden Sylvie becomes the one to kill Marat?!?!?!?!?! The story could still have been interesting just having her be the cause of his arrest. At that point the writing and plot became so bad I started skimming. I assumed the author's note would explain the parts of the story she made up, which is common in historical fiction, but she didn't say a word. It was just really strange and the storyline with Robespierre didn't really explore things like I hoped and fell horribly flat. I think I was so disappointed with the end because the first part of the book was so good!