A review by shannonxo
The Sisterhood of Evil Mutants by S.J. Whitby


Welp, they've done it again! The Cute Mutants are back for a fourth time with more chaotic vibes, an even bigger villain to squash, and more than a few threats to their survival.

***There will be spoilers for CM3 in this review, so please read at your own risk***

Okay, now that we got that out of the way, here we go!

This book picks up immediately after the events of the third instalment. Dylan has just executed a Quietus head operative on live television, solidifying global recognition of who the Cute Mutants are, and Dani was just resurrected from the dead. The gang is tired and hurt and just overall fed-up, so the discovery of a mutant haven in a cave system is something of a miracle. But we don't stay there long. This time, the Cute Mutants are going international with multiple stints to the US for assassinations, robberies and humanitarian aid. In other words, they're keeping themselves busy.

The last book set the reader up with the most questions we've ever had about mutants and those who hunt them, and we are finally getting closer to the truth. Is the mutant Teen Spirit really Emma's mom, and what does that mean for Emma? Who is this god character who brought Dani back, and why is he using her mouth to speak? And is Quietus really the worst villain the Cute Mutants can face? So many mysteries are starting to be unraveled in this book, so if you've been invested from the beginning this will be a great read for you.

As you would expect, one top of our familiar favourites, we meet a ton of new mutants in this secret mutant haven. There's one who has a perfect martini flowing through their veins instead of blood, and another who is just a sword but packs one hell of a punch. My new favourite mutant is one called Feral. She is part cat and yes, she is absolutely chaotic feralness and I love her, your honour. An excellent addition to the team. I have to give serious props to the author for having such an incredibly vast cast, and yet still managing to make everyone unique in their own way.

The last 80 pages are an absolute rollercoaster of emotion. Truly. I think my eyes bugged out of my head once a page because of the events that take place. It's intense and heartbreaking and just all-around INSANE! But I'm so intrigued about where the end result will take this series because not only does it lead us into the final book in the Cute Mutants series, but it paves the way for the first spin-off!

Full disclosure, my rating is rounded up from 4.5 because I do feel like it could have been tightened up. While each scene does serve a purpose, it does get a bit repetitive with the team coming home, then turning around and heading back out to attack a new location/group of people. It would have worked better if some have been combined. I also felt Dylan was a bit stagnant and lacking the incredible character development present in the previous three books.

Already eagerly awaiting CM 5!