A review by cadyly
Tilt by Ellen Hopkins


I liked the structure of this book. It was unique and refreshing. It was a little difficult at times, holding all the characters and their relationships in your head to be able to understand the story, especially as the point of view changed every few pages. I was tempted to make a chart or something on a white board. That aside, it was fun to be able to see situations and interactions from multiple points of view.

The poems/prose on the black pages were particularly interesting, with the way the outlying words created either a summary of the message, or a counterpoint to it.

I didn't realize until after I had started reading this that it was a companion book to Triangles. Perhaps, I would have understood the interactions better if I had read that one first.

The teen characters were believable, although I think the concentration of major negative events was too high. But I can forgive a certain lack of realism for the sake of a story. :) I was particularly proud of Mikayla and the decisions that she made.

The emotional responses of the teens seemed a little... off. Not by much, but it almost felt that they were a little removed from their own circumstances.

Overall, there's a lot of sex and drugs, etc. I'm not sure if morally/spiritually this is the best book for someone to read, but it did serve it's entertainment purpose. While it was over 500 pages long, I read it between lunch and dinner. :)