A review by thebookishelf
Blood & Brown Sugar by L.A. Nolan, L.A. Nolan


Everyone has different dreams but sometimes making too many sacrifices and leaving your old lives and old selves behind might be too tough and compelling for you so sometimes you just give up on them. 'Blood & Brown Sugar' by L A Nolan could be dedicated to the dreamers who are brave enough to leave, who have nothing to lose, make so much sacrifices and pay so many dues to fight with everything they have and finally reach their destinations!

While there is much about this book that seems painfully current, a story I would not be shocked to hear about through some Breaking News report which seem to occur much more often lately, it would be easy to forget the news that is most often comprised of facts and figures and – especially lately – to be slanted to one side, politically, or the other. But this story is filled with a truth that needs, deserved to be shared, one that fuels the heart and soul of 'Blood & Brown Sugar' by L A Nolan. It is a story about people enduring the worst, people who are so desperate for a life that doesn’t involve having to worry every day, every minute about the next minute, that they leave their home, friends and family for a dream. A dream that may, in reality, become their worst nightmare.

The first few chapters grabbed me and pulled me in, an event occurs as the story begins which prompts Alex Crossman to leave his home to save his life from the gang. The life of Alex Crossman was simple and peaceful until he accidentally injured a member of the Chevaux De Fer, Montreal’s infamous motorcycle club. As compensation, Alex is required to travel to India and transport back the Club's latest shipment of drugs.

Alex begins his dark and agonizing transformation from a law-abiding citizen to a biker while being watched by the Club's Indian contingent. At the same time, Ipsita Chaudhary, the president's mistress, seduces him with her seductive charms. And that is when this story takes off on an unforeseen adventure of soul-searching, friendship, redemption and survival, an adventure where love is the ultimate prize and the past is the bitterest foe. The author vividly narrates a dangerous path forward where any stranger may, in fact, be an assassin and where every decision might be an instrument of death.

'Blood & Brown Sugar' is a terrific novel describing one gutsy man's nightmare journey to flee a powerful cartel. The journey is treacherous deadly with fear of death looming over head. The characters you meet in this journey are very strong and clearly developed, and you feel like you really come to know and care about them in a very short amount of time. Certainly the main characters in this story displayed the struggle and the resolve of the human spirit in their attempt at finding a better life for themselves and their family.

The story is chilling, tense and well written as it charts their incredibly dangerous journey. In this book we saw the good and the evil, which of course dwells across the microcosm of our earth. We felt the struggle. We saw the dangers, the evil that cartels do bring to the people with their blood thirsty hold on those who try to survive under their domain. Fear is an awful thing and the people who live under this fear are intimidated, coerced and terrorized. This is certainly not the way the human spirit can possibly survive when everyday brings murder, mayhem, and evil of the most heinous kind.

With its exquisite prose, almost poetic at times, the phenomenally framed characters, vulnerable and strong at the same time, the passionate, turbulent love story that pulls on every one of our heartstrings like a fine concerto, the richness of a storyline that is never predictable and consistently enthralling, this journey of Alex Crossman will keep you up all night.