A review by erine
Long-Haired Cat-Boy Cub by Etgar Keret


The extreme free-range parenting might put a United States reader off-balance, but otherwise this is a delightful tribute to a young boy's imaginative adventure at the zoo. It's a lengthier picture book, but the suspense level is about right for a readaloud, never mind the debates sure to ensue about what parts were real and which ones imagined; whose parents would have left them alone at a zoo; what snacks you would have bought if left alone at such a young age; and if you could be a zoo animal... well, what would it be?

For myself, I would probably be the Prickly Near-Sighted Slothbear. Did you know they estivate? And while they like a lot of adjacent social activity, they are not terribly social themselves? So much to learn.