A review by imjustcupcake
Up From the Sea by Leza Lowitz


Up From the Sea is about two very difficult topics from the worlds history. The first and the main one being the tsunami that hit Japan after a 9.0 earthquake struck. The second being 9/11 as it pertained to the Americans.

Neither of these two topics is something easy to discuss, but Leza Lowitz does it beautifully.

Up From the Sea is not written in the traditional sense. It is actually written in the form of poetry. If you are new to this idea, you may be a bit hesitant and find yourself wondering if a story could really be told this way. The answer is quite simply and very strongly a yes! The world is drawn very vividly and the characters are easy to relate to. It is very well done.

Up From the Sea follows along our main character, Kai. It starts the day of the tsunami, and ended approx a year or so after that fateful day. You feel his emotions, the emotions of those around him, and and you learn a lot of about what it was like in coastal Japan at that time. You also get to learn a little bit about Japanese culture and some Japanese language - which was a nice touch.

If you are looking for a fantastic read that deals with some real life issues, Up From the Sea will not disappoint you. I will warn you though. Once you start reading, you won't be able to put it down. You will be finished within a day of starting it!

My Rating
4.5 Stars

This review is based on a copy provided by the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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