A review by jaredk742
Loveology: God. Love. Marriage. Sex. And the Never-Ending Story of Male and Female. by John Mark Comer


Good stuff but not comer’s best work.

I had to write a more proper review for this so here it goes.

I felt like this book was pretty good and had very good wisdom in it. I learned plenty new things and got good reminders of things I already knew but one thing in this book peeved me a bit.
During an analogy in which comer is explaining how you should not let yourself be put in situations where you might be tempted to sin, he says you should not be with someone your dating on the same couch, with the candles lit, and Bon Iver playing.
Now, I agree with all of this except for the Bon Iver part. I just can’t see how he could consider Bon Iver romantic music. It doesn’t make any sense to me, because Bon Iver is the type of music I put on when I want to cry or something like that.

In conclusion, this bad judgment of comers causes me to put him a notch lower on the epic list of fantastic authors, unfortunately.