A review by greyetal
Heart Bones by Colleen Hoover


Oh I want to talk about this one! It totally had things I was rolling my eyes at & yet I was still interested and read it all quickly.⁣

Beyah is a 19 year old girl living with her drug addict mother who comes home after her shift at McDonald's to find her mom dead from an overdose. She calls her dad that she isn't close to who knows nothing about her life - he & her mom were never in a relationship - and says she wants to come visit without giving context.⁣

Overnight, Beyah goes from not being able to find food & having an absent mom to living in a beach house in Texas with a stepsister & two parents. She handles this whiplash & the death of her mother REMARKABLY WELL, which I found a bit unrealistic. Then, of course, there's a cute boy next door that things escalate with. She asks him questions about himself & he tells her he can't answer, that he'll tell her everything at the end of the summer when they part ways. Given her history & his caginess, she also comes to trust this boy with remarkable ease(a bit of tension, but still, two months & she's gone, hook, line & sinker). Then the truth comes out - and it's just all a bit too fairy tale from there to be believable. ⁣

STILL, I enjoyed it! It's a good ride, and I felt for Beyah instantly. If you like a little too-good-to-be-true sprinkled over your love stories, you'll love this.