A review by tzurky
The Brightest Fell by Seanan McGuire


WOW! WOW! Color me surprised! Immediately after o become jaded with this series she throws this curve-ball at me. It’s absolutely amazing and I loved all of it.

See this is a book with ALL of the emotional stakes. All the relationships and the trauma and the subtleties of the fae world the author had set up are threaded together to form the plot of this book. This is a book about family, the one we’re born to and the one we choose and it deals with all the hurt October has experienced at the hands of the people who were supposed to protect her and all the love and friendship she has received from the people who have helped her and respect and appreciate her and I was here for all of it. There is not one scene here that is not genuinely fraught with emotional distress on the part of all the characters and it’s incredibly moving.

The book also manages to progress the overarching plot in very visible ways, basically setting up the main quest as it were. God, I hope all the next installments will be this utterly gripping. The addition of the new character is very promising - no scene with her in it can be anything short of combustible, but I may have to settle in for another filler. After all April’s second mom hasn’t called in her favor yet and I think McGuire is trying to keep her series going as long as she can.

On some level I get it - it’s a good series, some of the best UF and I too love the Luidaeg and I like that that quest was allowed so slowly take shape over the course of 10 books but honestly, I’m just about ready for it to come. Let’s finish this, let’s rock and roll, baby!