A review by shelvedthoughts
Perfect After All by Cece Louise


Reader’s Notes:

– this is part of a series, but can be read as a stand-alone

– this is told from Rob & Kelsey’s points of view

– Kelsey’s parents died in a car accident when she was in high school


This is the first book by Cece Louise that I’ve read and I really really enjoyed it! I can’t wait to go back to the first book and try her fairytale retellings when I get the chance! This book was so sweet and I loved that Rob was there for Kelsey for so much that occurred. I loved that he fell first and that it took Kelsey a bit to figure out that her feelings toward him were changing. I loved that they also worked together and hung out together so much because of Kelsey joining so many of her brother’s outings. I loved that Victoria took charge and tried to help Kelsey (and became great friends with her). Some of my favorite moments/scenes included: their day at the mall (ALL OF IT!), Rob caring for Kelsey after she discovered the engagement of her ex, Kelsey tripping over the recliner, the Shamrock Festival, and family taco night.


Kelsey’s long time boyfriend broke up with her again and this time has hurt her more than the past times they’ve broken up. When Kelsey’s coworker catches wind that she wants to make a change, she is all over it. From updating Kelsey’s wardrobe to getting her set up with an online dating profile, Victoria seems to know what she is doing to help Kelsey. If only Kelsey could figure out what exactly she wants and who she wants to be. It doesn’t help that she is starting to see her brother’s best friend in a different light and wonders if maybe he could feel the same…

Rob has been in love with his best friend’s sister since they were in high school, but with Kelsey’s loyalty to her on-and-off again boyfriend taking all her attention he knew he would never stand a chance. But when Kelsey seems different after this particular breakup, Rob wonders if he should take the chance to let her know how he feels. He knows he’d regret never taking his shot, but is wary of the possible rejection. In the end, Rob just wants Kelsey happy…even if it isn’t with him…