A review by bearfamilyreads
A Thousand Recipes for Revenge by Beth Cato

I'm not going to actually rate this one, at least yet... because I'm conflicted. 
I know I say this a lot, but I think I *should* have liked this more, and suspect that I just wasn't in the right mood for it at this time?  

 I felt as though, throughout the book, it continued to get more and more muddled, with more and more reveals thrown into the mix instead of getting closer to answers. I just never did find that sweet spot where I could fall into the world and live it. Also, the moments that I actually thought we were building up to all along, were very anticlimactic for me when we finally got there. Finally, the book ended abruptly without things fully resolving.

 With that said, I do love the ideas behind the story, and I did like some characters. Again, I feel like this *should* be my kind of book... but it just, wasn't 😔