A review by mandymarie1017
Matzah Ball Surprise by Laura Brown


A happy suprise-read!

A mutually agreed fake relationship seems like the perfect solution for Levi and Gaby for the Passover Holiday celebration, but what happens when it stops being fake?

Levi could have made his life a lot simpler by setting up boundaries and communicating better, but he didn’t think a line drawn in the sand would be a big deal until that line got moved. Instead of setting the record straight and being honest, he made things more blurry, and he and Gaby got hurt. Thank goodness Gaby has more backbone than her recent ex gave her credit for because this does end with a HEA!

There were several points where I laughed out loud because of the witty writing, but I felt my chest tighten with emotion too.

Favorite quote:
“He simply focused on his weights and his form. What might that type of focus and control lead to in other areas of his life… Like the bedroom.”