A review by maxarcreads
The Trials of the Elysian by Reese Sherron


I have a lot of mixed feelings about this book and had a hard time coming to a rating, but I landed on a 3.75 for this book. I will also say that there were times at the start of the book where I considered DNFing it, but I had glimpsed other reviews who said around chapters 15/16 is when the book turns around and I will agree. 
It's not that the first part of the book is bad, but I think it needed to be fined tuned. There were a lot of great ideas, but I think there could have been more development around the storyline, the world and the characters. It just all felt a little rushed and that they were skimming over these really cool aspects because they had so much, they wanted to get to but in the end left me confused because I didn't fully understand this world and not connecting to the characters because they had little to no dept or personality. In fact, it made me like the FMC less because all she came off was super naive (which I get was a trope, but I didn't realize how naive) but also really indecisive and a little whiny. I just wish there had been more focus on developing the world more and proving that information to the reader to not just alleviate the confusion but to become invested in who and what was happening. 

But the 2nd half of the book did become more engaging and the characters and what was going on seemed a little more developed. Like the trials they were a little more high energy and thus more entertaining to read. Previously they lasted what seemed like only a page or two while the later one was more involved with twists that I really enjoyed. The 2nd half of the book had a lot of twists actually that I enjoyed because some I didn't see coming. 

I wish I could say I loved the characters, but the writing didn't start them out on the right foot for me to like. Like I said the FMC Faye was so naive, indecisive and whinny that I was just not a fan. Then you have one of the main MMCs Henri who just made so many weird choices like saying our lives depend on each other surviving these trials, but he doesn't tell her anything, doesn't help her prep and just disappears and only returns to yell at Faye for breaking rules or not taking things seriously but how can she when you're not doing ur job as a mentor. Then there is Kace the other main MMC for the most part who right off the bat had my major creep signals blaring so when the "twist" came about him it wasn't surprising to be honest i was like yup that tracks but it feels like the writing was trying to set up a love triangle between the three that really didn't take off. 

Overall, I think the 2nd half of this book is worth reading but you have to really stick it out through a part of the book that I think needs more development in the story and characters. But even with the ending I don't think I will be reading the next in the series as this leaves on a cliff hanger. 

This book is about Faye who lives in a world decimated by famine so severe most of the population died out. So, the City was created that changed the course of humanity with those left as long as they followed the commandments of the city which would allow them to live a prosperous life. Now is Faye's time to leave her village to go the mysterious City she has heard about her whole life but really knows very little about. The reason she hopes to be meet her predestined soulmate who will be revealed when matching symbols light up on her body. But what she didn't know is she must first survive the trials to prove her worth to the City. These trials where she is assigned a mentor who will help her with the trials but will have deadly consequences for the other if one fails. The trials will not only push her to her limits but also reveal the wickedness of the City that leads to her asking questions that have her drawing the eyes of those in charge who see these questions as rebellion against the City and all that it stands for. So now she must decide whether to fall in line and continue to prove her worth to the city in hopes for a better life and a soul mate or will she fight and continue to question things so that she can uncover the truth of what is really going on.

I received an ARC Copy in exchange for an honest review.