A review by trisha_thomas
The Frame-Up by Meghan Scott Molin


“No way out but through. Sometimes you just have to go into the fight and throw a lot of elbows.”

I wanted to love it! Sassy, out-spoken main character made this a need to read for me. But sadly, I just couldn't find myself drawn into the story. As soon as she categorized every person she saw and needed to judge the exterior, I found MG annoying. She even called him Officer Herbal Tea (or OGT) for a long long time in the book after complaining that no one would learn to call her MG instead of Michael. I just felt like the story was trying to hard. Trying to throw in Stranger Thing quotes and little quips from my favorite movies all the while pushing the comic book and gamer girl MC. It was just a miss for me.

But if the synopsis is for you, GO FOR IT. You will probably love it.