A review by alyssaindira
The Glittering Court by Richelle Mead


Hey guys, so I just finished The Glittering Court by Rochelle Mead, and I must say that I am shocked at how good this was considering she is the author of the vampire academy. So, immediately I was thrusted into this novel with the beginning line "I didn't plan on stealing someone else's life." Already got the ball rolling. Naturally, it began with what initially caused Lady Witmores problem, an arranged marriage. Reminds me of a few other books where the girl wanted to get out of that cause who likes marriages arranged by your parents? But, when Cedric Thorn arrives to offer her servant a new life in the Glittering Court, I was like, well.. How is this gonna work.. But it did. Surprisingly. Moreover, I found how hilarious it was for the Princess to act like a commoner. That was hard, truly. Not having someone dress or cook for you must be a real drab.. But it was a little different, cause normally in the books I read it's the ancient Prince's that have to adjust to peasant life, so to speak. However, she was lucky only having to dumb down some areas of her nobility, since the Glittering Court is a money making business to change poor girls into royalish material. Honestly, I would have liked to see more of the book take place within that area. All too sure are they shipped off to Adoria, where the real troubles arise. Not to mention Cedric, yummy Cedric. Oy... So yeah, they arrive and she is basically on the verge of another arranged marriage. I was like *facepalm* wasn't that the entire reason you wanted to escape your life. Honestly, if it were me, I would have just accepted it. But noooo. Of course not. But then again, who could then down Cedric. In all honestly, I didn't think they would have gotten off that easy....and i was right! So yeah, I don't want to risk spoiling anything, so you'll just have to read the book to find out more. One thing I hated about the novel was that when it ended with a stunner in a chapter, in the next chapter, it was like a week later. Like dude! I wanted to read the fallout. Not the barest details of the outcome. Dang. The ending well it was kinda rushed and scattered. Nevertheless, it left you wanting more.