A review by crookedtreehouse
The Fearsome Doctor Fang by Tze Chun, Mike Weiss


A really cool early 20th century style adventure story that inverts a lot of racist tropes without INVERTING A LOT OF RACIST TROPES (so, it does so quietly). The book was a very pleasant surprise, as I'm not always invested in steampunk style adventures. Tze Chun manages just the right level of dialogue to suggest the era when the story takes place without making it feel like clunky writing. Dan McDaid and Daniela Miwa also do an excellent job of creating the artistic atmosphere of early 20th century while also making it clear they've used modern techniques.

I don't know how many local comic book stores have ordered the TKO books, but I highly recommend, if you have an LCS, letting them know how good their books are, and ordering some for yourself.

I recommend it to fans of Alan Moore's [b:Tom Strong, Book 1|821801|Tom Strong, Book 1|Alan Moore|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1371314000s/821801.jpg|2108133], trope inversionists, people who stan for the Indiana Jones movies, steampunk enthusiasts, and people looking for more cool books by Asian creators.