A review by plantbirdwoman
A Nest in the Ashes by Christine Goff


This is the third in Goff's series of "Birdwatcher's mysteries" and it is definitely the best of the lot so far. She shows a much surer hand in constructing the mystery this time and the characters of Eric and Lark seem a bit more fleshed out and realistic.

In this entry, Eric, the National Park Service ranger, takes center stage. The NPS is conducting a controlled burn on the parklands near Elk Park, Colorado. A controlled burn that quickly becomes uncontrolled and ravishes several thousand acres of park habitat, and in the midst of all that destruction lies the body of Eric's friend and mentor, Wayne Devlin.

An investigation by the NPS indicates that Wayne probably was responsible for setting the fire that burned out of control and caused so much devastation, but Eric can't believe that and sets out to prove the investigators wrong. In this, he has an ally and helpmate in Lark, his long-time friend who perhaps is on the verge of becoming more than just a friend.

The story of how they go about investigating and of all the red herrings thrown in to confuse the reader kept my attention and interest throughout. I didn't figure it out until near the end.

I had thought I might give up on this series after I finished the third entry, but this one was good enough to keep me reading. Just not right away. I need a break from these characters for a while.