A review by pattyfgd
A Court of Ice and Wind by Meg Xuemei X


This series really brings everything together! A little Greek mythology history, a little action packed fighting, some unexpected enemies and a lot of love! Meg Xuemei X continues this series with so much going on, it's important to pay attention. We pick up where book 2 left off, and get a huge surprise with Noah! People are not always who they appear to be, so Cass is in a predicament that she is not sure she can get out of. She keeps her snarky attitude, almost careless at times, but that is what has become endearing to me about her. No matter the circumstance, she keeps the energy high. Her four men are always looking out for her, and the steam factor is extremely high! It has come to the point where decisions have to be made and Cass has seen what she needs to do. The question now is can it all be done? We won't know until the concluding story! I enjoyed this book with Hades, Apollo, Ares and Demeter, each having a part that helps mold the finale. I can't wait to see how it all plays out.

What can I say about Victoria Mei? I don't think I would have made it this far without her narration! She is keeping it so animated with her amazing voices, I can't help but keep up with all the plot twists. Every character, it's own voice from book to book is a constant which I love. It makes the story flow easily for me and makes it very visual. It's a pleasure to listen to her.