A review by janina_reads
Hold Me Closer, Necromancer by Lish McBride


You are looking for a YA urban fantasy that is a bit outside the norm? You are tired of stories only revolving around a lukewarm love interest? You like it a bit macabre? You’re not looking for anything too serious, but simply want to have a good time? I think I’ve found the book for you …

Simply put, this book was lots of fun! Talking heads, waffle-addicted spirits, double-agent next-door neighbours, were-bears, family secrets, powerful necromancers, resurrected Chinese pandas, talking cats, out-of-control werewolves, a tiny bit of romance, friends you can rely on – you name it, we have it. I loved the humour: slightly macabre and sarcastic, laugh-out-loud funny, but never overbearing, over-the-top hilarious. The most refreshing thing: this book does not take itself too seriously.
Also liked the chapter headings inspired by song titles (and how they fit with the plot). The story itself it not necessarily the most original ever written, but the way it is written makes it special. It loses a little bit of its drive around the two-third mark, but I’m not entirely sure if that was the book or my Fever series induced exhaustion …

The male voice was well done and believable in my opinion, and I couldn’t help but like Sam, our unlikely hero. A college dropout working at a fast food restaurant, fiercely loyal to his family and friends, he can’t help but feel overwhelmed by the situation he has manoeuvred himself into. He accidentally awakens his necromantic powers, only to be threatened and beat up by the local necromancer who wants to secure his district. The story is told in alternating points of view, but a majority focuses on Sam and how he handles his newfound and strangely dormant powers …

Definitely recommended!