A review by the_student_of_story
Lord Brocktree by Brian Jacques


Most Redwall books have some unique aspect to them. They're not there to restructure how you think about stories or anything like that. They don't need to be. Usually, it's just a story about good guys fighting bad guys. That said, all of them tend to have one or two twists or tweaks to them that make them unique to the others. This one's unique quality is sheer historical weight, and it works beautifully. From the beginning, it's understood that the protagonist is one of the most important characters in the Redwall universe, probably second only to Martin the Warrior, and his presence in any scene is felt. The villain and his army are huge and menacing. The b-plot is high stakes and interesting enough especially for how it affects the mission of the a-plot. Add all this together with interesting strategy and good characters, and this book is a solid entry in the series.