A review by teresab78
The Merchant of Death by Lisa Henry, J.A. Rock


****Reviewed for Prism Book Alliance®****

4.25 Stars - I liked The Merchant of Death much more than book one in the series. Henry’s tragic past is explained in more detail and we see the pressure he puts on himself. We are introduced to his sister Viola and it goes a long way to understanding Henry.

The plot was fun, if you can consider investigating shady dealings at a mental care facility while in drag fun. There were a lot of humour and Shakespeare references that gave the mystery a comedic edge.

Henry as Viola was not something to laugh at, though; it was not poking fun at anyone. I found a sweetness to it and to how Mac responded to him.

I liked Mac and his dependability. We see more of him as a man and I loved one scene where he is racing down the highway with the music blaring and imagining himself the hero. It gave a different picture of him than the buttoned up, gruff, dieting FBI agent.

The plot twists and turns and I can’t wait to find out where it goes next. Luckily I have Tempest queued up next in audio!

Narration Review:

Nick J Russo again does a wonderful job on this series. I enjoyed listening to his voice and I believed all the characters. I look forward to more of his work.

Prism Book Alliance®