A review by tita_noir
Coast Road by Barbara Delinsky


The thing I like best of about this novel is that we get to watch a man learn about a woman. Even though Jack has been married to Rachel for several years, is father to her two children and has maintained a civil yet distant relationship with her for 6 years of divorce, he really doesn't know this woman at all. He has to learn about her hopes, her dreams, her lifestyle, and simply about her through her friends and her children. The people themselves tell as much about Rachel as their words and it is a nicely executed book that can pull off the layers of a person slowly and allow such discovery. Also in the process, Jack discovers himself as well. And he realizes, that although he might not have known Rachel as well as he thought, she really knew him.

There is a small subplot about a rebellious teenage daughter that adds a layer of reality and texture to the story. However, the semi-mystical moments that involve the other daughter and the next door neighbor seem to be just filler and add unnecessary drama.

Overall a good read, which I recommend.