A review by hugbandit7
Dial P For Poison by Zara Keane


I enjoy a good mystery and this one is set on a small island in Ireland and is a place I wouldn't mind visiting especially because the cafe is a refurbished theater - the kind you see in movies from the 50's or you might see in a small town. It is a creative way to refurbish an abandoned movie theater!

Maggie spent summers on Whisper Island with her aunt Noreen, so she has ties to the community and some of the residents. She is here to figure out what she wants to do with her life and Aunt Noreen has kindly offered her a place to stay. Of course Maggie is supposed to fill in at her aunt's cafe but here is the catch, she doesn't know how to cook and gets a 1 day crash course. It makes for some amusing scenes but at least the residents take some pity on her.

Of course it wouldn't be a mystery without someone dying and in this case it is Sandra - probably the most despised woman in town between her attitude and writing a blind gossip column that while doesn't name specific people, it is a small community and most can be figured out. Once I learned more about Sandra and her actions, it is no surprise she ended up dead. I won't spill the details but trust me that you won't like her much either. I was totally surprised at who the murderer was because it was never someone on my radar. I had different people in mind until they were cleared and then I had no real idea who to suspect.

This book/series has a lot of potential between the humor and potential romance between Maggie and the new detective from the main island. And Maggie's UFO/Alien chasing friend adds a quirky twist to the town. And of course who knows what is going to happen next.