A review by shubagar
Authority by Jeff VanderMeer


Mild Spoilers Ahead:

I deemed the first 3/4th of this book useless. It hardly gave us more info on Area X, and whenever Control found anything related to it, the author got the evidence put aside and hardly gave it a further look. There was crazy potential in this book-- they had a room full of 1000 samples from Area X, a bunch of videos from the first expedition, and a man who survived it and was sane enough to get a job at Central. WHY WAS THERE SUCH LACK OF INFORMATION? WHAT WAS THE POINT OF THIS BOOK? What was the point of having the perspective of someone in the Southern Reach, the director of all people, if nothing big was uncovered? Hardly anything new was told to us. Only the last 30 pages interested me. I will continue the series, but this one was a big disappointment. I am sorry if I have failed to understand the essence of the novel, but it didn't quite come across to me.