A review by cecilierogers
Liars, Inc. by Paula Stokes


I flew through this book. It was such an easy read and it kept me interested from the very start.
I never like to read the description on the backside of the book, and prefer to go in blind. So I guess it's my own fault that this book was not what I expected. I had read some of the description. But only the part about forging permission slips to make money, so that's what I thought the book was about.
However, it turns out that it was really about the main character, Max, and his friend going missing. Then Max gets accused of his kidnapping and later on murder.
As far as the characters go, I can only say they were ok. I enjoyed them, but there was nothing too special about them in my opinion.
On the contrary the best part of this book was absolutely the mystery surronding Preston's disapperance and murder. I couldn't stop reading, and I was dying to find out what had happened. Especially when Max found the video recordings of him having sex on Prestons harddrive, that was such a good turn!
I can't make up my mind if I found the reveal satisfying or not. I'm leaning towards yes though. It was not predictable. Up until the last couple of pages, I had no idea, and I was honestly surprised by the ending. If anything, I had hoped that it was a bit more explained.
Still, very good book that I flew through in just a couple of hours.