A review by bookworm097
Heart of Iron by Ashley Poston


About half way through this book, I was planning on giving this a 3-star rating. I had super high expectations for this book. I adored [b:Geekerella|30724132|Geekerella|Ashley Poston|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1476734515s/30724132.jpg|50652411], Ashley's first book. Because that was such an amazingly written book with lovable characters and an wonderful plot, I expected this book to be the same. I was a bit disappointed, but the ending of the book helped it out a lot.

At first, this felt kind of like a cheap [b:Cinder|36381037|Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles, #1)|Marissa Meyer|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1507557775s/36381037.jpg|15545385]. Very similar world, and from the beginning, the whole (SPOILER ALERT) lost princess thing was a dead giveaway. I knew Ana was the lost princess as soon as it was mentioned (also, she supposedly died in a fire, know she's living under a different name with no memories, sound familiar). Plus, there's an android that seems far more human than they should. Also, a mysterious, incurable plague was devastating humanity. See the similarities? So I wasn't super impressed with this book in the beginning.

The plot twist near the end about how the Metals came about was enough to bump this rating up to 4 stars. I'm very interested to learn more about the history of the plague and how the Metals truly came about.

That being said, I still have issues with this book. The beginning was pretty confusing. There wasn't enough set up and background. I'm still confused as to why Ana thought she needed those coordinates and how she knew where to get them, etc. I also don't think we got enough time with the crew of the Dossier. Too many of them died before we even really got to know them. I would have liked a slower beginning. Some things throughout the book did seem to move a bit too fast for my taste. I would have liked a little more explanation, and definitely more world building. I have a hard time picturing the image on the front cover being what it's supposed to be. I don't think things were described well enough. There was a lot of talk about the 'Great Dark' however we have NO idea what it is. I would have liked some more explanation on what it is, where it came from, what it's going to do, etc.

My complaints aside, I'm still quite intrigued about this story and will definitely be picking the next book up when it comes out.