A review by pqlibrarian
The Animal Review: The Genius, Mediocrity, and Breathtaking Stupidity That Is Nature by Jacob Lentz, Steve Nash


I received a free copy of this book for review via First Reads.

Just received my copy yesterday. I was a little apprehensive at first - "The Genius, Mediocrity and Breathtaking Stupidity That Is Nature" - but if the whole book is like the section on Pandas, it will be more like "the Breathtaking Stupidity of Humans"...and that is no big surprise.

The photos were wonderful: 5 stars
I actually learned a few things: 4 stars
Humor: 3 stars
As I have the sense of humor of a pre-adolescent boy, I admit I chuckled a few times, but I didn't find the book to be as funny as the author intended (and he tried REALLY hard). I can't really figure out who the target reader is for this book. The humor is very juvenile, but some of the subject matter is not (again, the panda section).
If I took the average of the stars I gave, this book would get 4 stars. However, I just can't give it more than 3.