A review by lyakimov
The Young Elites by Marie Lu


It is my turn to use.
It is my turn to hurt.
My turn.

I am so glad I went back to this book after 7 months of not finishing the last third of it (I am awful I know).
Though I forgot some parts it all came flooding back to me and it was amazing!!

I loved Adelina and how bad she is. It's so cool to follow an antihero and how she becomes what she is. It was a breath of fresh air. And she's not perfect; she is selfish, she is envious. But Marie Lu did it SO WELL because I fucking love her and I feel for her so much and HOW AMAZING IS IT to read a book where you are actually rooting for the person who shouldn't win??

I also really enjoyed Adelina and Violetta's relationship. I hope they get closer and have that same bond in future books because I think they go great together and the ending with them was just so touching.

I am really satisfied with reading this, I love seeing a badass who will not back down no matter what people say or want (cough cough Alina starkov from the Grisha trilogy DONT FUCKIN REMIND ME OF THAT BULLSHIT). Even though I know how this series ends (yes apparently I find out how every series ends before i read it shut up) I'm excited to continue the series and I know it's gonna end with a fucking bang!! (Plus now apparently I get to read about magiano so HELL YEAH)