A review by someonetookit
Mask of Shadows by Linsey Miller


This book has been sitting in my shelves unread for 3 and a half freaking years. Just chilling, staring at me as I read its companions but never this. WHY DID I WAIT BECAUSE ITS SO FREAKING GOOD.

Ok pros -
Love that MC is genderfluid (and it's done well)

Elise is all the yes and suitably squish

Protag has an uncanny ability to kick arse whether presenting as male or female (there's a clip of a woman somewhere on the internet proving its just as easy to fight in a dress with a sword and it gave me those vibes tbh)

Ruby. Period.

Also Emerald because noone suspects the quiet ones.

Cons -
I feel like this could go downhill fast with the sequel

I couldn't read it all last night

There were some passages that were kinda clunky

Also where the hell is the rest of the poem???

Overall fantastic and excuse me vecause theres a second one to binge