A review by infinite_tbr
The Collected Poems by Robert Frost


I struggled to get through this whole thing. I figured that since I liked some of his better known poems, Robert Frost was a great place to start reading poetry. It took me nine months to read this because everytime I thought about it I didn’t want to read anything. Having said that, I can see why he’s considered a great poet. I won’t pretend that I understood all of the poems, but I tried. Some of them, I really liked while others literally put me to sleep. The reason I was able to push through and finish this is because I started to think about it in terms of the world events happening around Frost. It was far more interesting to read the poems through the lens of them as reactions. Frost’s poems span World War I, the Great Depression, World War II and the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the start of the Cold War. He’s incredibly pro-nature, to the point of being anti-industry and even anti-science at points. However, he also writes a lot about the stars and astronomy. It was fascinating to see the dichotomies and his attempts to understand the world as a whole. Overall, I struggled but I did find bits and pieces of it all that I liked.