A review by nikkireadsstuff
Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare


First of all, I love The Infernal Devices! Cassie Clare knows how to tell an amazing story and keep her fans happy! I was pleasantly pleased how everything came full circle in this epic conclusion to a great series....until the end when she eventually ends up with Jem!

The Jem vs. Will battle that Tessa goes through is sure to give fans a rise and definitely pick sides! I was definitely rooting for Will. He's more attractive, loyal, funny, and all around great. Jem is just as wonderful, but his condition makes him seem like a wimp; everyone ends up being distracted by whether Jem is okay...including Tessa.

I loved loved loved what we learned about Tessa's clockwork angel! That was a wonderful revelation, and Clare does such a great job at catching us off guard! I did not anticipate that!

I did not like that Jem becomes a Silent Brother. (Sorry...had to spoil that.) It felt like Clare was grabbing at straws to keep Jem alive when he probably should have died. The parabatai bond was broken, everyone mourns his death, just keep him dead! That seems terrible to say, but it's my gut feeling. That being said...I was not pleased at the end when they meet on Blackfriars Bridge. Reminiscent of the series? Yes. Romantic and sweet? Yes. How I wanted the series to end? No. The only part of the Epilogue I liked was Tessa thinking back on her wonderful life with Will. I'm just SUCH a huge fan of will! That was very emotional for me and pulled at my heart strings a bit.

Overall, Clare aims to please and does so in such a great way! Even though the series is over, I was so happy to experience the epic conclusion to one of Clare's most wonderful series! Awesome job, Cassie!!!