A review by kellyhager
TMI by Patty Blount


The summary from this book is a little misleading. It's not very suspenseful. Instead, it focuses on the gradual splintering of Meg and Bailey's friendship, which is a result of their relationships with two other guys (Ryder, obviously, but also the guy that Meg has a crush on but refuses to do anything about).

The book is told in alternating perspectives, switching back and forth between Bailey and Meg. I loved Bailey and found Meg a little bit grating. (I fully admit that this may be because Meg and I are a lot alike, but I hope I'm not that bad.)

Bailey is completely boy-crazy but she's also one of those people who changes based on who she's dating. (This is a little troubling but hopefully the way this story went will change her.) Meg is the exact opposite: she has a complete plan for her life and will not be distracted from it in any way. ANY. WAY. And there is no room for a romantic relationship. If her high school grades slip, then she won't get into a good college and if she doesn't get into a good college, she'll probably end up working at McDonald's.)

And it's okay to be driven, but she's such a shrew about it that I'm not entirely sure why Bailey wants to be her friend.

But Meg's also right, because Bailey starts blowing her off for Ryder. And that's not okay, either.

I was expecting a creepy suspense novel but this is a lot quieter than that. This isn't a bad thing, but I wish they had marketed it a little differently.