A review by hugbandit7
Come Back to Me by Sharon Sala


I know I say this on every review in this series, but I LOVE Blessings and want to live there myself!

This small town has seen its share of ups and downs with the various residents. In this installment, a tragedy breaks apart a young couple with dire consequences. They were in high school and I'm sure we all remember how we were at that age - thought we were invincible and knew it all. Fast forward 20 years and Aidan comes back to town to clear up his grandfather's estate and discovers more than he bargained for - a son. This has a huge impact on Aidan and Phoebe, his former girlfriend and his son's mother. Do they try and rekindle a relationship? Do they become friends for their son's sake?

I can't imagine the emotional rollercoaster that Aidan, Phoebe, and Lee are on when the truth comes out. The author does a wonderful job of describing the varying emotions, actions, and reactions of the characters. I think the townsfolk area also rooting for the two especially once the truth about the crime that broke them apart is exposed.

We are also introduced to a new character, Daniel, that comes to town as a temp worker, but with hints to a deeper story. I can't wait for that story!

This is a wonderful series but start at book 1 so that you can follow the different characters of the town and their story.