A review by andintothetrees
The Rachel Papers by Martin Amis


Often as I read The Rachel Papers I thought “I have no idea how I am going to blog about this once I’ve finished” – which I suppose is the measure of a good book, one that leaves you not knowing what to think. I was inspired to read it as a lot of reviews for Joe Dunthorne’s Submarine (one of the best books I read last year and the first I blogged about here [link]) cited the two novels as being similar. There are some parallels between them, notably their usage of a male teenage antihero as a protagonist, but Submarine has a much broader subject matter – as I remarked to my partner on a number of occasions whilst reading The Rachel Papers “this book is just about one guy’s sex life”. Having got to the end of the book I can see that it is about much more than that, but at times I felt I was wading through never-ending descriptions of intercourse and references to the lead character’s “rig”.

... [Read the rest of my review here: https://whathannahread.wordpress.com/2012/02/18/the-rachel-papers-by-martin-amis/]