A review by esha_tujjohora_3786
The Dead Romantics by Ashley Poston


I just cannot take it anymore that people nowadays promote such books a lot in socials. But you get to know if it’s really worth reading when you yourself read this to justify.

That is maybe the weirdest and stupidest romance ( I don’t know if there was any kind of romance…) book I have ever read in my entire life. It is uncountable that how many times I was about to dnf this book.Whatever, as a sincere reader, I finished reading it but with the most disappointment…ever…! I really don’t want to underestimate a book as an author at least tries to give his or her best to write a book. But this was just…I was literally finding something to feel good about this book the whole time. But there wasn’t anything to appreciate, anything to adore.

Unfortunately, this book doesn’t have a constructive plot. The only interesting part was that the female MC can see ghosts and she falls in love with a ghost. ( let’s not give a spoiler as it’s the only “not so bad” part of this book). After passing like 85% of this book, I found something that seemed good but I was so disappointed till then that the good part wasn’t felt good enough.

The female MC’s father passes away and throughout the whole book, she only talks about the funeral of her dad. Ahh… I don’t want to be mean but… it was too much I believe. It would be alright if it was in a certain amount. And the side characters… I couldn’t connect to any of them.