A review by abookishbginning
Heroine Worship by Sarah Kuhn


I've been needing a good superhero romp, and this one absolutely delivered! It's been a while since I read the first book in this series, and I loved diving into Aveda and Scott's story.

I love when a series puts a previously frustrating character at the forefront, because I feel like it adds so much depth to be able to see things from their perspective, and Annie Chang, also known as Aveda Jupiter, is no different. I felt for Aveda so deeply in this book, from her identity crisis to her struggle to rebuild her friendship with Evie. On top of her personal struggles, she also deals with the public's perception of her, and their growing dislike as she continues to be painted as a diva that craves the spotlight. Aveda goes through the ringer in this book, and she undoubtedly makes so many mistakes, but that makes it all the more meaningful when she learns to embrace her more emotional, Annie Chang-like tendencies, and learns how to be a better friend. 

The romance between her and Scott was such a sweet addition to this action-packed story. Their love story is definitely of the "it's always been you" and "childhood friends to lovers" type, and I enjoyed watching the ups and downs of their relationship. Aveda undergoes such wonderful character development in that through the story she comes to realize that with the danger she faces as a superhero, life is too short and unpredictable to not be honest about her feelings for Scott. This allowed for the pair, once they finally decided to embrace their feelings, to communicate with each other about what they want from their relationship (wow, no miscommunication, a novel concept). I also loved the "she's grumpy, he's sunshine" dynamic they had. Scott was truly the golden retriever to her black cat, and I loved every second of it.

Watching Aveda and Evie heal their friendship was another thing I was really looking forward to in this book. Aveda's actions were so frustrating in Heroine Complex, and I loved seeing the pair start to communicate more openly. One of my favorite moments was when Evie helps Aveda realize that her Annie Chang side is just as important as her superhero alter ego. I especially appreciated that the other characters took accountability in their treatment of Aveda. At the end of the day, all the characters are not without their flaws, and through the story they come to realize their wrongdoings, and their bonds are only strengthened because of it. 

While the dialogue is at times exposition-heavy and unnatural, particularly in the slang that characters use, the story is still wacky, superhero-filled fun. 

If you're looking for a fun mix of superheroes, demon puppies, and heart-warming romance, then this is a series that you need to check out!