A review by sophilozophy
Destined by Jessie Harrell


After sitting for a portrait, admirers from every corner of Greece have been coming to lay gifts at Psyche's feet in exchange for a glimpse of her beauty. She's been getting frequent visit from Aphrodite and doesn't understand why until she announces Psyche has been chosen to be her mortal daughter – something that is seen as a great honour to everyone, but Psyche. Having learned form her mistakes with Helen and Paris, Aphrodite chooses her son Eros to be Psyche's future husband. They take an instant dislike to one another and Psyche turns down Aphrodite's request, leaving her with the wrath of a powerful goddess. After her rejection, a prophecy reveals Psyche will fall in love with a creature even the god's fear. Is her future inevitable or can she escaped what is destined?

I love it when a book takes me by surprise! I'd heard of Cupid (Eros), but not Psyche and was very intrigued by the god of and love's story. Who'd deserve love more than him?

Psyche is a strong person and very easy to like. Being known for her beauty isn't important to her at all and more of an annoyance. She regrets having her a portrait done and would love everything to go back to how it use to be.

Eros comes across very arrogant at first with an superiority complex because he's a god – the reason Psyche instantly dislikes him. But when he start to fall for her, we see the real Eros and find out what he's hiding behind that bravado.

I enjoyed the story and how suspenseful it was. I never knew what direction the story would take. When it comes to books that retell a Greek myth, I'm always concerned that trying to keep the facts straight and modernizing something ancient will overshadowed the story being told. But the combination of great characters, beautifully depicted scenes and how well the flow of the story is, made that concern unnecessary.

Destined is a fantastic debut by Jessie Harrell. If you're a fan of Greek mythology, you'll love this unique, unpredictable and romantic retelling of Cupid and Psyche.