A review by ashrocketship
Freakboy by Kristin Elizabeth Clark


This was a quick, easy read with a cast of very solid characters who cover a variety of experiences that young adults are either going to have or need to empathize with over their lives. It dealt with sexuality and gender identity in ways that were frank, truthful, and complex without sensationalizing. I also liked that the internal monologues were allowed to reach dark places and deal with dark truths, but that the pain did not define the characters. They were people in pain, not made of it. Bullies were boring - as bullies always are - and I would have liked to see some reckoning for the crappy friend with the big mouth, but otherwise a very solid read. I didn't realize - like always! I have to start reading synopses more carefully - that this was in a poetic form, so that was both a surprise and a struggle, but - as always - that was my fault and not the book's and by the end wasn't much of an issue anyway.