A review by satyridae
Cheesemonger: A Life on the Wedge by Gordon Edgar


Very enjoyable foray into both cheese and Edgar's value system. He's an unreconstructed punk rocker with a job in an employee-owned grocery store in San Francisco's Mission District. What's not to love about any of that, if you're me?

Whole vistas of undiscovered cheeses spread themselves out in front of me after reading this book, but more importantly, I came away with a better knowledge of the cheesemonger's life. Any retail life is fraught with moments which are hilarious only in hindsight, and Edgar's is no exception. He's an extraordinarily gentle man, so the tales from retail hell are tinged with more understanding and compassion than is usual. He's also mordantly witty.

Nicely done memoir is a bit repetitive in spots, but very well worth reading.