A review by bshgarcia
Follow the Hummingbird by Elena Carter


What a beautiful, sweet story of a woman processing grief.

Tina is a young woman who's just lost her husband in a car accident. She's coping with the loss by not fully processing what happened, and is on a variety of pain killers and antidepressants. She eventually starts having dreams that turn out to be more than her subconscious playing at night. Ultimately, she's faced with the world of what could be versus the one that is.

Overall, this book is a fast read, touches on heavy subjects in a refreshing and hopeful way, and models countless healthy relationships. That main character, Tina, is super relatable, and everyone in her life just makes you jealous that they aren't your real life friends. At times this book can err on the introspective side and has some slower moments, but they are all reflective of the story's overall them and purpose. The book ended happily resolved with a promise of more to come. This was an endearing read and I'd recommend it to anyone who wants to process heavier issues in a healthy and positive framework.