A review by kellyhager
The Kept by James Scott


It's best to go into this book knowing as little as possible. The summary listed is probably the absolute most you should be aware of. And, of course, that means that this will be an incredibly vague review because I don't want to spoil anything.

Here's what I can say: this book is GOOD. It's incredibly fun to read, but there's also a lot going on in this book (only 354 pages in my copy but a lot is packed into those pages). And the characters are very realistic. Nobody is 100% good or 100% bad, which I find incredibly refreshing. Some are obviously better than others (and some, then, are worse than others) but it's like real life---some people do horrible things and yet somehow I found myself liking them anyway.

I especially loved Elspeth. She's a unique and complicated character, someone completely unlike anyone I've ever read before. And I loved Caleb, who's been forced to become much older than his 12 years.

This is James Scott's first novel and I was incredibly impressed by it. I can't wait to see what he does next. Recommended.