A review by rhonamtennant
The Light Keeper by Cole Moreton


This was a very confused novel.

Full review to follow

I was given a free copy to read through NetGalley in return for an honest review.

This review contains spoilers

This was a very confused book, I found it difficult to follow for many reason. It felt, though, like Moreton wasn’t really sure what the point of the story was – what was he actually trying to say?
The first obstacle I found was the formatting – I thought at first it was an issue with my downloaded copy or my kindle but reading other reviews suggests that it is a formatting problem with the ARC. I understand that this is not a finale published version so the formatting errors may be fixed before publication but it did make it difficult to read. The text constantly changing size and font was distracting and the blank numbered pages broke up important events and passages of the book – making dramatic scenes lose their sense of importance.

I actually almost gave up reading about 20% into the book but I decided I couldn’t really give a fair review if I hadn’t finished the book.

To be honest I didn’t actually like any of the characters. Jack was, even before we found out he was physically abusive was erratic and wholly unlikable. I never understood what Sarah saw in him.
The book spent so long in Gabe’s POV but how much did we really learn about him?
Another thing I found difficult overall was the length. It seemed that the first 60% of the book could be removed and it would still make sense. I get building up a sense of place and world; character development etc. but Moreton doesn’t really do that. Because by 60% of the way in, when the action actually happens how much do we actually know about the world or characters?

So onto the actual action; mentions are made throughout the book of an increased rate of suicide at The Downs – the blurb on the book suggests that maybe Gabe has something to do with it, and something to do with Sarah’s disappearance – but when we finally get down to it he has no great secret. It’s suddenly Magda of all people. It wasn’t until at least halfway through the book that we are properly introduced to any of the Guardians – there is no proper build up or any real mystery regarding the deaths – or how it actually connects to the story as the underlying plot isn’t actually affected by that storyline.

So the additional 60% that I think can go? We got a lot of backstory of Gabe’s but nothing was really said. Again and again we’re told that he’s staying there because of Rí and how he’s so jaded and depressed but then a couple of chapters later it switches up to how happy he is there and how he couldn’t imagine being happy anywhere else? If Gabe is meant to be depressed or suffering from a mental illness it is not portrayed well, at all.

I didn’t care about the characters; like I say I didn’t like them so when it came right down to the climax it was just anti-climactic in a way. It was just boring really.

I can’t say I would recommend this book.