A review by meezcarrie
A Christmas Bride in Pinecraft by Shelley Shepard Gray


I have been WAITING for Beverly’s story ever since book one! While I’ve enjoyed each of the characters in every book so far, Beverly has always been my favorite. The words Shelley Shepard Gray uses to begin the series with Beverly are referenced again as the last words in the series and tied it all up so beautifully! If I really must say goodbye to Pinecraft and Beverly and the Orange Blossom Inn, this is exactly how I wanted to do so.

But not only have I been waiting for Beverly’s story, I’ve been waiting to read Eric’s part in it as well. I knew he would be involved somehow – and I knew how I wanted that to turn out – but I didn’t know if the author and I were on the same page. After all, Mattie’s story in A Wish on Gardenia Street didn’t go at all like I expected but it did end up much better than it would have if I’d been in charge so I did know this – however Shelley Gray chose to weave Eric’s and Beverly’s stories together, it would be beautiful.

And it was.

Beyond Beverly and Eric, most of the characters from previous books pop in to say hello even if only briefly. We’re able to catch up on their lives since last we saw them, and we come away from our encounter with the feeling that their lives will continue on even though the series is ending.

The themes in A Christmas Bride in Pinecraft will touch your heart as much as the characters do… maybe because the themes and some of our most beloved characters are intertwined. Forgiveness, redemption and second chances share the page with abuse, neglect, and secret pasts. And as she always does, Shelley Gray pens each word with such heart and grace that you can know the difficult stuff is treated just as gently and honestly as the warm fuzzies.

Bottom Line: If we have to say goodbye to the Amish Brides of Pinecraft, I can think of no better send-off. A riveting plot, beloved characters, and warm prose bring back everything that’s dear about the series for one final hug. If you like Amish fiction (and even if you don’t), A Christmas Bride in Pinecraft needs to move to the top of your TBR pile!

(I received a copy of this book in exchange for only my honest review.)