A review by quietjenn
Uneasy Money by P.G. Wodehouse


Last night, I couldn't figure out what to read and the feeling of reading ennui was great upon me. So I decided to be logical and unemotional about it and read the oldest-thing-on-my-Kindle-that-I-haven't-read-yet and it was this. Because I am an idiot. Or, rather, when I went on my "Free Wodehouse!" binge upon first getting my Kindle, I moved on to other stuff before reading this one.

So, there you go. I think maybe I expected it to be more about golf, since it's mentioned in the beginning and one of covers features two men playing. And I don't really care about golf, so that is how I explain my idiocy. It's not really about golf. It's your typical Wodehouse, although early days, so none of the characters are particularly familiar. Except that most of the characters in Wodehouse are familiar, once you've read one or two. It's funny. There are mishaps. People falling in and out of love and having money or not having money. Also, Long Island beekeeping and scandalous barefoot dancing. Love.