A review by jazzrizz
The Unforgiven by Heather Graham


The Axe Man Comes ...

Kaitlyn, at the age of 15, survived the brutal murder of her parents when she drifted away from her dive partner. When she surfaced, she found her parents, and wife of her fathers best friend murdered. The friend missing (he survived), and friends that he had invited missing as well. She went to live with her Uncle in New Orleans ... and she's a carriage tour driver.

Dan was a cop in Florida, when 6 years after Kaitlyn's parents deaths, another brutal Axe murder happened. Her father's friend happened to live just down the street, and was Dan's prime suspect ... but charges didn't stick & Kaitlyn testified on her friend's behalf.

Now, twelve years after her parents deaths ... axe murders are happening in New Orleans. Dan is now a private investigator ... who is pulled in by Adam (who was friends with Kaitlyn's parents) and Axel Tiger. Adam convinces Kaitlyn to work with Dan, when Dan agrees to put his bias towards her father's friend aside. It doesn't take long for Kaitlyn to discover she actually likes Dan ... and together, (with the help of Dan's new ghost seeing abilities) they piece together who's behind the current murders.