A review by krisis86
The Notorious Mrs. Winston by Mary Mackey


The story sounds AWESOME.

It was executed so poorly it was like an actual execution.

I don't know what possessed Mary Mackey to write this story in present tense, but it was a horrible, horrible decision. Stories like this should not be told in present tense. It was jarring and distracting every time I had to read "Claire looks down and realizes there is horse crap on her shoe. John glances over and sees that Claire is contemplating her shoe and it fills him with burning desires."

If not for the tenses thing, I probably would have liked this book much more. But I did seriously consider quitting it about halfway through because it was so irritating. After I made it halfway through I decided to stick with it, just to see if the story ever got any better. Nope.

Big ol' love story, heavy on the love, not so much on the historical butt-kickin' warrior part. Did get pretty graphic (sexual) in several parts.

Overall, not really something I would ever read again. I thought this would be a book about a woman going to fight for her country and kicking butt at it - instead, it's about a woman so in loooove with her sekrit lover that she pretends to be a boy so she can get closer to him. Blech.