A review by kalliste
Looking for Alibrandi by Melina Marchetta


This book was somewhat life changing for me. Even though it was a year 12 english text and we had to dissect it like nothing else I was still able to enjoy it once the year was complete. So much so that I bought it once the school made me give it back - I did contemplate ways to steal it but no such luck, although it is apparently the most stolen book from Australian school libraries so I guess other people were better at stealing than me.

Looking for Alibrandi is the moving story of Josephine Alibrandi who is stuck in the middle of cultures. Not Italian enough for the Italian community and not Australian enough for the Australians, Josie feels lost within herself.

Throughout the book though Josie goes through new experiences and attempts to change her views on the world and gets an insight on how the world views her.

Well written and is very much a re-readable book (I must have read it 30+ times). Thoroughly enjoyable!